
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Educational Levels

This support file contains user defined levels of education that are used when registering clients at Clients->Individual Clients->Personal data. These may include: Primary, Graduate, Post Graduate levels, etc.

Note that if a client has been linked to a particular educational level you can change the link to another level by modifying the data through Clients menu.

How to add Educational Levels 

To add educational levels you go to Support Files ->Educational Levels and a screen like the one below shows up:

Click on the Add button to add the new level of education and repeat this for all the levels that you want to register.

Click on the Close command button to exit.

How to Delete\Modify Educational Levels  

To delete\modify educational levels you go to Support Files->Educational Levels and a screen like the one below shows up:

From the list of the displayed educational levels in the scroll space, click on the level that you want to delete\modify, e.g., "Primary". The variables for the selected level WILL be displayed in the various parameter text boxes.

To Modify the education levels make the necessary changes and click on the Update button. To delete the document click on the Delete command button.

You can click on the Printcommand button to view\print the education levels and keep them for future reference.

Click on the Close button to exit the menu.

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